There is no way to tell for sure if someone is experiencing domestic violence. Those who are battered, and those who abuse, come in all genders, shapes, sizes, colors, economic classes, sexual orientations and personality types. Victims are not always passive with low self-esteem, and batterers are not always violent or hateful to their partner […]
Read MoreConfrontational personality, has a reputation of being hostile and aggressive. She has a chip on her shoulder and is not very sociable. She is an unlikely candidate for any type of flirting, harrassment or sexual assault. Assertive personality, has high self-esteem, confidence, and experience. She is at home in social settings and exhibits a “Don’t […]
Read MoreIf you don’t have the physical skills you used to, it likely means you’re even more of a target for the epidemic of random street violence escalating across the globe today. It’s the reason why this information is even more critical to you. Here’s a snippet taken from TFT Master Instructor Chris Ranck-Buhr’s recent article, […]
Read MoreDomestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior perpetrated by an intimate partner against another. It is an epidemic affecting individuals in every community, regardless of age, economic status, race, religion, nationality or educational background. Violence against women is often accompanied by emotionally abusive and controlling behavior, and […]
Read MoreSafety Tips for Home • Alert your friends, neighbors, and apartment building personnel about your situation. Give them as much information as you can about the stalker, including a photograph of him/her, and a description of any vehicles s/he may drive. Ask them to notify you or call the police if they see the stalker […]
Read MoreSafety at work or school: • Alert all co-workers, schoolmates and on-site security staff about your situation. Give them as much information as you can about the stalker, including a photograph of him/her, and a description of any vehicles s/he may drive. Ask them to notify you or call the police if they see him/her. […]
Read MoreThe next several blogs will have suggestions on how to keep yourself safe if you are being stalked or harassed. Stalkers can be someone who you are/were in a relationship with, a coworker, acquaintance or even a stranger. These are general suggestions which may not be appropriate in every situation – please pick and choose […]
Read MoreAny skill set will improve with regular practice; typing, shooting, cooking, driving, and observation skills. As you go from one activity to another in your day, observe the people around you. Visualize what you would do if: that man on the corner grabbed your hair as you walked by; you noticed a van following you; your friend’s […]
Read MoreThis post is in light of February being Teen Dating Violence Awareness month. While there are many warning signs of abuse, here are ten of the most common abusive behaviors: •Checking your cell phone or email without permission •Constantly putting you down •Acting extremely jealous or insecure •Having an explosive temper •Demanding to know where […]
Read MoreAs seen on TV’s 48 Hours Live to Tell, Adam Lane invaded a home at 4 in the morning through an unlocked door. Here’s the link to the story: Use this opportunity to help your friends and family remember the inportance of locking their doors.
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