Enjoy fun and festivites! I hope you are making time to be with those who inspire and empower you. While being savvy about safety is a daily activity, here are a few specific thoughts to keep in mind. Check previous posts for more on travel safety. We covered travel safety in November.
Shopping or dining: Keep Up Your Awareness!
- Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.
- Shop with a friend, there is safety in numbers. AND Stay Aware!
- Carry only the credit cards and identification you need.
- Leave big purses at home. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
- Have your keys ready in your hand before leaving the store!
- Don’t hang your purse on the back of a chair or set your items down unattended.
Parking lots: Be Savvy!
- Walk briskly, confidently, and directly through the parking lot.
- Park where you can see if someone is loitering near your car.
- Park in a well lit area of the parking lot if you shop at night.
- Ask a security officer to walk you to your car if you are uncomfortable.
- Be cautious of people handing out fliers and asking questions in the parking area.
- Check the backseat and cargo area before getting into your car.
KUTA at Home!
- Keep the outside of your home well lit with doors and windows locked.
- Do not display gifts beneath a Christmas tree which can be seen from a window.
- After the holidays, do not announce your new high-dollar purchase/gifts. Break down the boxes of TV’s, stereos, computers, etc. before putting them in the trash.
Social Safety!
- Use wisdom and refrain from sharing expensive gifts received.
- Turn off notifications of where photos are taken.
- Use caution showing the inside of your home in photos.
- Save travel photos for AFTER you are back home and keep travel details off social media.
Share Savvy Safety with your friends and family. Keep Them Safe!