Mardi Gras Safety

The parties have already begun! Are you planning to join in the festivities for Mardi Gras this year; bead throwing, parades, parties, gumbo and beignets? Maybe find the baby in the King Cake? Celebrations are a much needed break from our normal routines. They provide an opportunity to relax and de-stress.  🙂

While there is a level of safety in large groups of people, there is also anonymity.  If you are victimized, immediately find the nearest police officer or at least call the police – don’t expect them to do much about pick pocketing though.

Here are a few safety tips to help keep your festivities fun and free of misfortune.

  • Always trust your instincts!
  • Stay on the beaten path!Don’t wander down alleys or streets around the French Quarter.
  • Travel in groupsto and from parking spots and be aware of your surroundings. Leave nothing of value in your car.
  • Sense you are being followed?Interact with an officer or someone else; go into a restaurant and begin talking with someone in there. Be ware the follower isn’t waiting for you when you leave.
  • Be ware pick pockets!Carry only the important items you need, and carry them in places other than your pockets, or at least not in your back pockets.
  • Alcohol in moderation.Intoxication leaves you vulnerable to criminals looking for an easy target.
  • Create a game plan.Make sure everyone in your group knows where and when to reconnect. Cover a plan of action for emergencies and the unexpected.
  • Carry cab fareand an emergency phone number. Should you loose your phone and other resources you will benefit by having emergency funds and phone numbers.

Now go have some fun and enjoy time with family and friends while keeping these tips in mind. Enjoy and Keep Up The Awareness!

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Regina Rowley Retnia Logo

Regina is an international voice enlightening and empowering women to rise above limiting beliefs, overcome fear and write their own ending as a Goddess Warrior. Whether speaking or teaching, Regina is sensitive, fun and relate-able as she shows women, they too, can tap into their inner strength, gain confidence, and replace limiting beliefs.


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