Bad Samaritan vs. Xena

The woman was pinned to the ground by her attacker, who straddled her. She was screaming when the door of the train car opened at the North and Clybourn stop. Another man boarded the car. She screamed for help, hoping the man would do something. But, she told police, the man took off.

Police said no calls about the attack came in from North and Clybourn around the time of the attack. The man I call the Bad Samaritan apparently did nothing to try to help. And now she holds him in greater contempt than the attacker. Perhaps it was fear of being hurt or fear of confrontation. And yet, we hear so many stories about those who do get involved when there’s trouble.

They are the folks who pull the driver from the burning car. They confront the bully. They shield potential prey from criminals. They are their brothers’ keepers, cops and paramedics mostly, but sometimes just everyday people too. They’re compelled to help. And sometimes they get hurt. That’s part of it too, but civilized beings help each other.

This story makes me think of all the people who are making a difference to protect women and children. Local and national hotlines, shelters, coalitions, associations, organizations far too numerous to mention them all here. Each and everyone of them are dedicated and do everything they can to be a Good Samaritan in times of need.

Yet, just like the strong and confident survivor in this story, we all need to be ready and willing to fight for our own protection.

#IAmXena is a new movement working to create societal change. Our mission is to protect women and children while helping survivors of violence. It is our goal to reach 1,000,000 members and we are putting everything in place for this to occur in short order. Stay tune, as it will not be long before we launch this international movement.

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Regina Rowley Retnia Logo

Regina is an international voice enlightening and empowering women to rise above limiting beliefs, overcome fear and write their own ending as a Goddess Warrior. Whether speaking or teaching, Regina is sensitive, fun and relate-able as she shows women, they too, can tap into their inner strength, gain confidence, and replace limiting beliefs.


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