I’m in Charge of my Emotions

We waste valuable time if we allow our emotions to be in control during an attack. By putting our emotions on “hold” and dealing with the attack at hand in a factual manner, we will turn the element of surprise against the attacker and be the survivor. Emotions can be experienced “post-trauma” when we have the time and support to do so.

Women, in general, are emotional beings. Therefore, training is critical to overcoming your emotions and to a factual response. Without training women tend to allow their emotions to cripple them, loosing precious, life saving time and a quick response.

Smartsafe training with regular practice prepares you for the unexpected.

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Regina Rowley Retnia Logo

Regina is an international voice enlightening and empowering women to rise above limiting beliefs, overcome fear and write their own ending as a Goddess Warrior. Whether speaking or teaching, Regina is sensitive, fun and relate-able as she shows women, they too, can tap into their inner strength, gain confidence, and replace limiting beliefs.


  • 805-VOI-CE89

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  • regina@reginarowley.com


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