I have often encouraged my students to trust their instincts. And while there is a vein of truth this, Mary Ellen O’Toole, author of Dangerous Instincts, guides us through a few tactics to help us avoid unsafe situations.
The truth of the matter is, we can’t always tell if people are dangerous just by looking at them. We all know you can’t take everyone at their word. Dangerous people can be very good at blending in. So how do you conclude if the painter you are interviewing to paint your home is dangerous? Is it possible to tell what a person is saying by what they aren’t saying?
If you ask the right questions, you can learn how someone is likely to behave by listening to the answers given. When we make decisions based on instincts or intuition, we are basing decisions on feelings. With the SMART model, Ellen shows us how to use an analytical assessment process. The SMART model is a Sound Method of Assessing and Recognizing Trouble.
Stay Tuned for more on Dangerous Instincts.