What is Restorative Yoga?

   Restorative Yoga is a powerful practice for our minds, bodies and spirits.

During Restorative Yoga we move from doing to being. In this simple act of non-doing we enjoy mental and emotional well-being, and increase our vitality. We may also smooth our relationships, and increase our creativity and productivity. In restorative yoga doing less, truly is more. Book a Personalized Class Now

We use props: blankets, bolsters, blocks, etc. to reduce strain, prevent injury, create comfort and facilitate health and relaxation.

What is relaxation? According to Oxford Dictionaries relaxation is when the body and mind are free from tension and anxiety. It is much deeper than a diversion.

Yoga is more than poses and breath exercises. It began, and continues, as a system to gain freedom from suffering and to remind us of our true nature.

When you embrace self-reflection, make true relaxation a priority, and surrender to the process, you will enjoy a variety of benefits. Here are a few: resolve chronic pain, support physical & mental well-being, soothe persistent pain, alleviate headaches, improve sleep, strengthen emotional resilience, help women's health issues.   Book a Personalized Class Now

Is Restorative Yoga for You? Are you ready to transition from busy to being? Are you ready to restore, rejuvenate and renew?  If you answered yes to one or more of the questions, then YES Restorative Yoga is for you.

Taking regular time to relax and renew will help you heal the effects of chronic stress and is essential to living well.

I'm here ready to coach and guide you to a place of inner calm, deep rest and more freedom. I will help you adapt each pose so it feels good in your body, create a routine you will stick with and guide you to let go of expectations so your neural pathways strengthen.

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Regina Rowley Retnia Logo

Regina is an international voice enlightening and empowering women to rise above limiting beliefs, overcome fear and write their own ending as a Goddess Warrior. Whether speaking or teaching, Regina is sensitive, fun and relate-able as she shows women, they too, can tap into their inner strength, gain confidence, and replace limiting beliefs.


  • 805-VOI-CE89

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  • regina@reginarowley.com


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