Sheryl, You Are Priceless

I was just reaching out to a few people regarding the upcoming I Am Priceless: Voices of Victory Over Violence  book when I came across this interview with #SherylUnderwood #SherylIsPriceless by #People writer, @I Am Priceless coverEmilyStrohm.

We all have a story. Sometimes, it includes tragedy, violence and unimaginable things. While we may not always be able to control what happens, we don’t have to let it define us or determine our future. Your story is something no one can take away from you and you can decide how it ends. You can write your own ending. You can inspire and share courage. You can give voice to those still finding their voice. Maybe laughter and helping others laugh is your gift. Oh, how we all need more laughter!

While your story is unique to you, it is precious and priceless. When you choose to overcome the tragedies and violence, you grow stronger. When you choose to speak out and #ShareYourMessage you declare #NoMoreSilence.

Maybe it is time for you to enlighten and equip others on this journey we call life. Maybe you are ready to enrich other’s lives and empower them to overcome the violence in their own lives. If so, we would love for you to join our community of authors and this unique book. Together, we are creating societal change. Simple details here: I Am Priceless




Regina Rowley Retnia Logo

Regina is an international voice enlightening and empowering women to rise above limiting beliefs, overcome fear and write their own ending as a Goddess Warrior. Whether speaking or teaching, Regina is sensitive, fun and relate-able as she shows women, they too, can tap into their inner strength, gain confidence, and replace limiting beliefs.


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