No More!

Your voice can end the silence.

“The flower that blooms in diversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” ~The movie ‘Mulan’

I am a survivor of childhood domestic violence. Of course, we never spoke about it at home. I didn’t say much about it to anyone outside of home.  Extended family members knew, but said nothing. In that time in history, nobody ever spoke about domestic violence. Everyone minded their own business. I didn’t know there was any other way of life. In my immature mind, everyone had an angry, insecure, master controller for a Dad. Public humiliation, intimidation, yelling and calling names were just a few of the ‘normal’ activities. The lack of self confidence and perfectionist disposition  I struggled with for so many years were the result of years of walking on eggshells, living in fear and constant criticism. I had no idea I was living a life of emotional abuse.

So that was my childhood, my past. Today, I am quite a confident woman, full of positive affirmations for myself and every woman I meet. Reading personal development books and surrounding myself with dynamic, overcoming adversity, women. I am Empowered and quick to say No MORE!

  • 7 million people are physically abused, raped or stalked by their partners in one year. This is approximately the population of New York City andLos Angeles combined or 24 people a minute.
  • 60% of Americans, 15 years of age or older, know a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault.
  • Among the 70% of women who have experienced domestic violence and told someone about it, more than half (58%) said that no one helped them.
  • Three out of four (73%) parents with children under the age of 18 said they have not had a conversation about violence in the home.

NO More!!! 

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ~Gandhi

Stand Up! Speak Out! Break the silence!

Because, it’s someone You know! 

Have you spoken to your children about domestic violence? 

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Regina Rowley Retnia Logo

Regina is an international voice enlightening and empowering women to rise above limiting beliefs, overcome fear and write their own ending as a Goddess Warrior. Whether speaking or teaching, Regina is sensitive, fun and relate-able as she shows women, they too, can tap into their inner strength, gain confidence, and replace limiting beliefs.


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