Back to School and Texas Tour

Well, here we are mid August. It’s time for Back to School and the Life Changing Conference Texas tour. I’m hearing about a few kiddos who have already started back. Has school started in your district yet?

As we prepare for another year of gaining knowledge and growth let’s talk about a few of the ways we can enjoy a safer environment.

First, four tips to reduce overwhelm. Prioritize: set your priorities for the year as well as for each week, then keep these priorities in the forefront of each day. Tackle hard stuff first: You will have a sense of accomplishment to motivate your progress. Plus, you get it done BEFORE you start using the “I’m tired or I’m hungry” excuses. Know when to say No. Control your time and control your life. Stop blaming stress. We all have it. By following the first three tips, you reduce overwhelm. By reducing overwhelm you reduce stress. Short term stress can build your endurance; it’s okay. The long term stress is what wreaks havoc on our health and we look to eliminate.

By now you are probably saying, “Regina, what does overwhelm have to do with a safer environment or Back to School for that matter?” To which I reply, “Everything!” Overwhelm, something I frequently battle, directly impacts our thoughts and feelings. Overwhelm leads to stress, sometimes, mega stress. Of course, when we are stressed we are less likely to be aware, leading to making safety mistakes.

Secondly, five basic safety tips to implement today. Never open the door for an unexpected visitor. Always verify repairmen and law enforcement. A call to your local station will confirm that an officer was sent to your home. Always keep the garage door down and locked. Did you know the overwhelming majority of intruders enter a home through an UNlocked door? Don’t make it easy. Keep ALL house doors locked, including the one from the garage. Keep all windows locked, even upper level windows. Be aware of the normal traffic on your street. Make note of any and all unusual vehicles, especially if they are sitting around watching the neighborhood. Report suspicious activity.

Now, if we are talking about school starting, then how can we be taking a tour of Beautiful Texas?  😉  The Texas tour I’m speaking of, is the Life Changing Conference, LCC, for Women Who Mean Business. Female Entrepreneurs are still underserved and the LCC allows women to connect, begin building relationships and move their businesses forward.  With 1,300 new women owned businesses starting each day, it is obvious we must continue to serve one another and look for ways to grow beyond the challenges we face.

I am speaking in Waco Thursday, August 21 and in Spring, Friday, August 29th. I have two free tickets for Waco if you contact me today. Other cities on the tour include Georgetown, Pearland, and Sugarland. You may gain more details at If you need a ticket, call or email me: 713-569-2189 or and I can send you an electronic ticket. Each ticket is a Bring a Friend for Free ticket and is good in all cities. What a Cool Deal for our Hot August!

Upcoming events include V.I.P. Experience September 20th. I am going to rock your world with insights about safety and engaging techniques. You will leave with an unshakeable confidence and enjoy a VIP experience to boost your self esteem. More info at  Let me know if you have questions.

Make it a fantabulous school year and finish the calendar year strong! You are Beautiful! You are Worth Protecting!

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Regina Rowley Retnia Logo

Regina is an international voice enlightening and empowering women to rise above limiting beliefs, overcome fear and write their own ending as a Goddess Warrior. Whether speaking or teaching, Regina is sensitive, fun and relate-able as she shows women, they too, can tap into their inner strength, gain confidence, and replace limiting beliefs.


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