Goddess Warrior Training Course
Live Unlimited
Be Your Own Goddess Warrior
Goddess Warrior course is where you will reshape your confidence as you transform and learn to trust yourself. With respectful and wise training, you will experience more courage, feel prepared and learn to control your safety. Never miss an opportunity because of fear.
Follow this simple Control Your Safety Plan:
1. Enroll Now 2. Reshape Your Confidence 3. Live Unlimited
Course Curriculum
Goddess Warrior Training Course
Welcome to Goddess Warrior Training! I'm excited to share this journey with you. Completing this training allows you to increase your self-defense knowledge and skills and confidently walk through life. Live life unlimited.
Rear Attack
Most attacks against women occur from behind. The Rear Attack lesson prepares you to overcome fear, face an attacker, and counter rear attacks. You will learn what Cat Strikes are and when to use them.
Embrace Personal Worth
If I can share one message with you, it will be to see yourself as the gift, strong and confident, that you truly are. It is unhealthy and unfair for society to teach us to be timid, weak and needing a Hero. "The way we see ourselves, and respect ourselves, teaches others how to see and respect us." ~Regina Rowley
Verbal and Psychological Abuse
Words and psychology are used as weapons of intimidation. They are also Early Warning Signs. Learn to recognize and respond/escape quickly.
Random Attacks
Attackers use the element of Surprise, but they also put a location and/or a target under surveillance. There is almost always some form of premeditation/planning. Learn how to reduce being a target of opportunity.
Life is more fun when we have pleasant surprises and gifts. Throughout the course, there will be bonuses from books and tools to enhance your life journey.
Feeling limited and hostage to fear is unhealthy and unnecessary. Like you, my clients and I have struggled with society expecting us to be timid, weak and in need of a Hero. Enroll Now to avoid feeling unprepared, fearful, anxious, and limited. Let me guide you to an unlimited life. Be Your Own Goddess Warrior.