Woman Attacked in Restroom

Seldom are women aware of the potential danger that comes with using a public restroom. “It never even occurred to me that it wouldn’t be safe to be in a restroom,” said the Indianapolis woman who asked not to be identified.

The top three locations women are assaulted are at home, parking lots/garages and public restrooms. We can delve into the dangers of home and parking lots another time. For this article we will focus on public restrooms.

As you can read in the complete article, it was a weekday morning. She had just exited a stall and was at the sink. Her husband was outside waiting. Although she screamed, fought back and the attacker ran out, the woman’s huband didn’t know what was going on.

This blog is to bring light to the fact, we, ladies, must always be ready to be our own first line of defense. We must embrace a survivor mindset and be ready to unleash the princess warrior within us in order to be our own defense. This beautiful momma of 3 did just that and stopped the attacker!

Safety Tip: Be Aware! Notice when others are in the restroom with you. Glance at shoes under the stalls, what do they look like? Where are they, what are they doing? Don’t be lost in your phone while in the stall. Engage your peripheral vision when you are at the sink. Fight Back!

Embrace your inner strength and be equipped with Savvy Safety! You are worth protecting!

Till next time… Keep Up The Awareness and join me at www.IAmXena.com



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Regina Rowley Retnia Logo

Regina is an international voice enlightening and empowering women to rise above limiting beliefs, overcome fear and write their own ending as a Goddess Warrior. Whether speaking or teaching, Regina is sensitive, fun and relate-able as she shows women, they too, can tap into their inner strength, gain confidence, and replace limiting beliefs.


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